Time to take control of your email marketing solution!

Why many companies are currently looking for an alternative to Mailchimp & Co. - and what to consider

E-mail newsletters are of great concern to many companies at the moment. Many newsletter senders are currently cleaning up their mailing lists and asking subscribers to opt in again, as the Basic Data Protection Ordinance (DSGVO) places high demands on data economy and information. You will certainly also receive the one or other e-mail asking you to click to document again – or possibly for the first time – your agreement to receive commercial e-mails. No wonder, because otherwise companies risk high fines or warnings.

Is your newsletter DSGVO compliant?

However, documentation using the double opt-in process is only one of the challenges currently faced by newsletter senders. Another problem is that, according to experts, providers such as Mailchimp & Co. are not yet fully compliant with the DSGVO. Companies that send their e-mail newsletters with such a provider are currently looking for a secure alternative.


This is how the following questions about secure email marketing solutions arise:

  • Is there a secure, data protection-compliant alternative to sending the company newsletter with a US provider?
  • Is it even necessary to completely outsource an email marketing solution – without any control over data protection, delivery routes, deliverability and so on?
  • What should companies consider when looking for a new, data protection compliant and secure email marketing solution?
person smilingly shows the @ sign, symbol for an e-mail address

Today, hardly anyone gives you as a company an e-mail address so radiant with joy. In email marketing there is uncertainty on both sides, among the senders and recipients of newsletters.

[card title="Data storage" text="text-darken-3 grey" title_color="blue"]<!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p>Problem:</p><p>Companies often have doubts whether it is a good idea to store the e-mail addresses of their leads and newsletter recipients at newsletter providers abroad. And rightly so, because the legislator has recently made high demands on order data processing, especially if the processor is based in a third country whose data protection standards do not correspond to those in the EU.</p><p>Solution:</p><p>Specialized all-in-one providers for email marketing were often a convenient solution in the past, especially since their services are free up to a certain volume. But even without Mailchimp & Co. companies are well advised to store and use the addresses of their newsletter recipients themselves or together with a trusted provider within the EU.</p><!--[et_pb_line_break_holder] --> [/card]
[card title="E-Mail-Versand" text="text-darken-3 grey" title_color="blue"]<!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p>Problem:</p><p>Unsolicited e-mails are annoying and involve legal risks. Unsuccessfully or insufficiently optimized email delivery channels worsen the deliverability and reputation of your email sender domain.</p><p>Solution:</p><p>Define together with your IT or your service provider exactly the dispatch route of your newsletter. Which SMTP gateways are used to send e-mails? Are they signed with DKIM, authorized with SPF and controlled with DMARC? How are bounces handled? Is there a reputation control that evaluates the feedback of the e-mail recipients and ensures that no third parties successfully send spam on behalf of your company?</p><!--[et_pb_line_break_holder] --> [/card]
[card title="Security concept" text="text-darken-3 grey" title_color="blue"]<!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p>Problem:</p>Companies that entrust their newsletter to one of the major budget/free providers are usually fobbed off with general statements on data security. Many providers are currently not yet subject to the EU standard clauses or are consoling themselves to a later date.</p><p>Solution:</p><p>Companies can take the subject of e-mail marketing completely into their own hands - or work together with a local provider with whom they conclude a contract for order data processing and who is bound by contract - so that the processes relating to data security and data protection are also at a controllable level. How is the Newsletter Tool protected against hacker attacks? Will personal data actually be deleted if requested? These aspects must be clearly clarified.</p><!--[et_pb_line_break_holder] --> [/card]
[card title="Running Optimization" text="text-darken-3 grey" title_color="blue"]<!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p>Problem:</p><p>If nobody has an eye on the reaction of the recipients to your e-mails, give away the potential of your leads and thus real money.</p><p>Solution:</p><p>The most important thing about email marketing is the evaluation of reactions. Companies that regularly check opening and click rates as well as cancellations have a clear advantage. You can see with which subject lines, calls for action and content commitment can be achieved. If you learn what works and what doesn't, you make more of your most important business capital - customers and prospects - than the e-mail sender who just pushes the button and waits.</p><!--[et_pb_line_break_holder] --> [/card]

We would be happy to support you in implementing your individual newsletter solution. Instead of an off-the-peg solution with unpredictable partners overseas, we provide you with a newsletter system in your own corporate design with forms and processes within your own responsibility and domain. We work in accordance with data protection regulations, protect your newsletter tool comprehensively against hacker attacks and spam attacks and, in particular, implement exactly the processes you desire. This gives you an email marketing solution within a short time that is both flexible and extremely powerful (whether 50 emails are sent per month or 500,000) and covers all aspects of data protection, sender reputation and integration into your company’s policies and processes that are important today.

Statistics Opening Rates E-Mail Newsletter

Statistics of opening, click and deliverability rates for a newsletter solution set up by us

For questions, please contact the author of this article:

Bernhard Jodeleit

Bernhard Jodeleit

Owner and Founder, Lots of Ways GmbH

[card color="blue" text="white"]<!--[et_pb_line_break_holder] -->Are you interested in an individual newsletter solution for your company made in Germany? We look forward to hearing from you using the following (secure) contact form.<!--[et_pb_line_break_holder] -->[/card]

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