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And Websites
Images on the Web
I’m sorry, but I find the imagery on the web an insult to the eye. Surprising motives? Nothing. Aesthetics? Sorry, we have no time for extras.
Security updates for Divi and other ElegantThemes products
Today we have installed a number of security updates for our hosting customers. This affects ElegantThemes products, including the popular Divi theme. ElegantThemes fixed a problem discovered by an independent security researcher.
Protection against the vulnerability provides an update to the latest versions as of 12.03.2019. If you update your designs and plugins to the latest versions, the patch will be applied and your website will be protected.
The problem affected:
- Divi
- Extra
- Bloom
- Monarch
- the Divi Builder Plugin
Some security precautions against Cross-Site-Forgery-Attacks requests could possibly be bypassed by the vulnerability. Although these attacks were previously blocked by user permission checks, such checks alone are not sufficient to protect against all CSRF attacks.
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is an attack method that technically forces a Web site user to perform unwanted actions in a Web application in which they are currently authenticated. CSRF attacks target stateful requests, not data theft, because the attacker has no way of seeing the response to the fake request.
Our hosting customers consistently benefit from lifelong updates for all ElegantThemes products. We apply ongoing security updates automatically. In addition, all websites are now undergoing an additional forensic malware check (server-wide and independent of the CMS solutions installed).
Whoever becomes aware of the vulnerability through this article and does not have a valid update license for Divi & Co. can use the Security Patcher Plugin from ElegantThemes. This also closes the vulnerability.
Google Page Speed Insights: Reach 100 out of 100 – possible or nonsense? Tips for Google Page Speed
You don’t have to continuously reach a Google Page Speed Core of 100. But you should stay tuned. It is important to keep an eye on the Page Speed Score of your website.
Quickly create a smartphone mockup with your own screen content?
With the Mockup Generator you can quickly generate a (virtual) smartphone with your desired display content. We all have been there before: You would like to advertise a more or less generic topic and are looking for a photographic motif. For example, I...
Create websites for free with the Divi Theme: Where you will find the ultimate collection of all Free Divi Layout Packs
Use the Divi Theme to create WordPress websites for free: This works with free layout packs directly from the provider of the Divi Theme. Overview, scope of layout templates and tips for use: You will find all this in the following screenshots.
Fake Sponsored Posts as a New Influencer Marketing Trend
You scroll through posts and stories of so-called influencers from time to time? Then, without knowing it, you are confronted more and more frequently with a new phenomenon: Fake Sponsored Posts.
If WordPress suddenly sends spam, this can be the simple cause
A misconfigured contact form can become a spam catapult and damage your email reputation. A real-world case with hints on how to analyze and fix the problem.
Explanatory videos and videos for presentations made easy
In the shortest time and at an attractive, individually agreed fixed price, we create videos for you on the basis of the simplest materials. You send us a series of screenshots, slides or links, which we should retrieve and install ourselves.
This tool makes it a breeze to crop portrait photos. is a free service that allows you to remove the background from portrait photos. The tool is free and works 100% automatically.
Cease-and-desist letters because of Google Fonts
As a precaution, we did not “remove” Google Fonts from their websites in consultation with many of our customers, but integrated the open source fonts, which are under a generous license, on their own web servers. Thus nothing changes at the appearance – and cautioners have, independently of whether the whole is right, in this connection no starting point.