Online Reputation Management
How companies and individuals can protect their Online Reputation
Online Reputation Management (ORM): The path to strategy
Online Reputation Management is the process of monitoring, analyzing and controlling the Online Reputation of companies, individual persons and organizations.
On the Internet, conflicts and attacks are often very tough. Critics, competitors and sometimes even former employees might post statements which do harm to the reputation of corporations. Sometimes, fully anonymous parties post insulting content, sarcastic remarks or simply assertions which are not true.
Within certain boundaries, the online reputation of companies and individuals can be defended against such attacks. As a prerequisite, a process for strategy definition, online monitoring and analysis should be established.
This is were we come in. Based on our long years of experience, we support organizations, corporations and individuals in setting up a strategic Online Reputation Management.
Online Reputation Management includes:
- strategy definition
- continuous monitoring and reporting
- knowledge of, and if possible: control of content pieces present on social networking sites and search engine result pages
- competitor analysis
- measures in the area of online PR in order to foster your reputation
- regular checks and evaluation of user generated quality ratings
- assessment of critical posts – are they real criticism or spam / illegal activity of you competition?
- scenario Planning
- coaching, training and workshops
Who needs an active Online Reputation Management?
Online Reputation Management is a valuable invest for all corporations, organizations and individuals whose customers, critics or stakeholders exchange opinions on the Internet.
“Basically everybody”,
could be the interpretation.
And: Yes, we think so –
- Even individual persons should check all communication and personal data concerning their individual names on a regular basis.
- Within companies and organizations, we often see the problem that responsibilities for Online Reputation Management are not clearly assigned. This results in a lack of active reputation management.
It are especially those very clear processes and responsibilities which must be considered as the key to an Online Reputation Management which really works.
Things you should get straight:
- Areas of responsibility and a workflow for actions based on monitoring results. Who is checking online discussions in which manner and frequency?
- Scoring criteria and strategies for criticism and for dealing with it. Which kind of online attack is a threat to your business goals? Which postings does your company have to react to, which posts can be ignored? In which cases should you try to displace negative postings by creating positive content? When is it better to go and try initiating a positive dialog with critics? And – under certain circumstances – when do we have to say: The time has come to take legal action?
Workshop Online Reputation Management
But all theory is grey.
Optimize your Online Reputation Management with the help of our interesting and insightful workshop.

Bernhard Jodeleit
Bernhard Jodeleit, founder and owner of our agency Lots of Ways GmbH, has years of experience in designing and supporting Online Reputation Management strategies of leading companies. He has developed Reputation Management strategies for the German branches of multi-national and knows about the special requirements in such situations. Especially critical topics are his field of expertise. The more complex and challenging your starting position is, the more you can change. Online Reputation Management strategies developed by Bernhard have been awarded with Public Relations prizes several times.
We are happy to share our knowledge and experience within one of our Online Reputation Management workshops.
Within our workshops, we also offer practical training units. Your crisis communication team will be able to do training on the job. For this purpose, we provide a secure and closed environment for testing purposes. Your team will be able to experience waves of criticism and react to that in real-time. This way, learnings for your daily communication business can be generated in a unique way (and your team will never forget).
Protect your brand with Online Reputation Management
We are here to help.

Bernhard Jodeleit
Founder and owner, Lots of Ways GmbH